+90 216 685 10 60

Advanced Surgical Operations


In sinus lift maxillary, the sinus is pushed up with the help of an operation and the resulting gap is filled with bone dust. Sinus lift operation is done in 2 ways; open and closed. If the patient has 4-5 mm bone at the implant site, closed technique is preferred. If the patient has bone below 4 mm, open technique is preferred.

Open sinus lift operation is performed in patients whose upper jaw bone is excessively melted. A window is opened from the cheek of the patient’s upper jaw and sinus mucosa is pushed upwards. Bone grafts are filled into the resulting cavity. The bone graft is allowed to mature and it takes up to 6 months.

Closed sinus lift operation is performed if the bone of the jaw has a height of 4-5 mm. Under local anesthesia, the sinus base is broken with special instruments called osteotome and the sinus is raised. Bone dust is placed in this cavity, implants are usually placed at the same time.